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I got 5 out of the 7 items and got stuck in terrain,
this game blew my mind, its really well made and is in my eyes very very close to being ready for a full release , 
I would love nothing more then to see this pop up on steam

here are a few ideas for what i think the game is missing:
-  An on screen timer or a timer option in the menu (speed runners would love this game)
- A simple UI popup for exiting the game or restarting from checkpoint,
- Removing some deadness from levels, the level design is wonderful but sometimes there are whole areas that feel empty and pointless
- Being more strict about what gets colored and what doesn't since that feature although very cool  is missing some polish 

I think with 2-3 weeks of work this game could be release ready ,
Really well made wonderful rage game, well done.


Wow this game is really challenging and fun! I love the simplicity of the graphics here, and the storyline / background is really cute! :)
Usually we hear of people dreaming of going from a corporate job to something adventurous, but I never imagined that it could go the other way too haha.